Smart plugs work on a Z-Wave frequency. As a result, you can only use Smart plugs with a Hub. his allowed you the functionality of wireless control in and out of the house.
Wireless control Control your smart devices’ power supply via the GoKonnect app from anywhere in the world.
Schedule Use this plug to control when your devices turn on. Get your lamp to turn on when it gets dark or turn off gaming consoles so they aren’t being used when they’re not meant to be.
Automation These electronic devices don’t have to be turned on all the time. Automatically turn on or off devices based on a schedule.
Safety Turn your electronics off in the event of an emergency or a hazard. Smart Switch 6 lets you automatically turn off devices, such as fridges if they fail.
Spend less Smart Switch 6 monitors your energy to visually communicate how much you are using. You can check what devices are being used and turn them off as desired from anywhere in the world.
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